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1 in 10 Pennsylvanians has unclaimed property, and the average claim is about $1,600!

“Treasury receives hundreds of millions of dollars in unclaimed property every year, often because of something as simple as a misspelled name or an out-of-date address. But let’s be clear: this is YOUR money we’re talking about, and I want to return it to you.”

- Stacy Garrity, State Treasurer

Warning: Texting Scam

Harrisburg, PA - Treasurer Stacy Garrity is warning Pennsylvanians that scammers are using text messages to target potential unclaimed property claimants. The Pennsylvania Treasury Department never reaches out to people in regard to any program, including unclaimed property, via unsolicited text messages.

“We have to constantly be on guard against scammers,” Treasurer Garrity said. “I urge anyone who receives a phishing message about unclaimed property to ignore it and promptly delete it. Do not click on any links, and do not respond to these messages. If you have any concerns, reach out to my office. We’ll be very happy to help.”

Treasury’s Bureau of Unclaimed Property can be reached by email at or toll-free at 800-222-2046.

An entity outside of the Pennsylvania Treasury Department is contacting Holders of Unclaimed Property with what appears to be a phishing scam. The suspect email thanks you for attending an event about unclaimed property and indicates that a “certificate” is ready for download.

This email did NOT originate from the Pennsylvania Treasury Department. You should NOT click on the link to download the “certificate.”

There is currently no evidence suggesting any unauthorized access to Treasury’s records of Holders of Unclaimed Property. If you ever have questions about the veracity of an email claiming to be from the Pennsylvania Treasury Department’s Bureau of Unclaimed Property, please contact us at or 800-379-3999.